Religious Studies

RS fosters critical thinking, ethical understanding, and cultural awareness, shaping informed and empathetic citizens.

A white logo for the Charter School East Dulwich

Curriculum Intent

Our curriculum aims to foster critical thinking and ethical understanding by exploring essential questions such as the nature of evil and suffering, and the role of religion in modern society. Students will delve into the rich histories, practices, and beliefs of major world religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, while examining their viewpoints on peace, conflict, and human rights. By investigating diverse religious perspectives on relationships, families, and the afterlife, students will develop a nuanced understanding of global cultures and ethical frameworks.

Key Stage 3

Our curriculum aims to foster critical thinking and ethical understanding by exploring essential questions such as the nature of evil and suffering, and the role of religion in modern society. Students will delve into the rich histories, practices, and beliefs of major world religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, while examining their viewpoints on peace, conflict, and human rights. By investigating diverse religious perspectives on relationships, families, and the afterlife, students will develop a nuanced understanding of global cultures and ethical frameworks.

Key Stage 4

Our RS GCSE curriculum aims to cultivate critical thinking and ethical reasoning by engaging students with profound questions about existence, morality, and the human condition. Through an in-depth study of Christianity and Islam, students will explore their histories, beliefs, and practices. This curriculum prepares students to navigate and appreciate the diverse religious and ethical landscapes of contemporary society, fostering informed, empathetic, and culturally aware individuals.