
A high quality education in business will provide a basis for understanding the world.

A white logo for the Charter School East Dulwich

Curriculum Intent

Our vision is for our students to become fluent in the fundamentals of business studies and have enthusiasm for learning and a desire to apply this to new contexts as and when they leave The Charter School East Dulwich .

Students have the opportunity to study GCSE Business at KS4 and BTEC Business in the Sixth Form.

We encourage our students to develop high aspirations, combining independent risk taking with collective curiosity.

Key Stage 4

Students can choose to study GCSE Business at Key Stage 4.

The qualification will appeal to students who wish to set up their own business, move into employment, or progress onto further study.

Students will attend trips to various organisations and meet a number of entrepreneurs and business people.

Students will develop skills that are essential for the modern workplace, such as teamworking, presentation skills, independent working, working to deadlines and efficient use of resources.

Key Stage 5

In our Sixth Form, students who study Business BTEC will develop applied knowledge and practical skills. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to either set up their own business, move into employment, or progress onto further study. It is assessed using by a combination of coursework and exams.

Pupils will attend trips to various organisations and complete an in depth study of a profit and a non-profit business.