Art and Design

Our art and design curriculum champions the value of visual arts from a cultural and intellectual perspective.

A white logo for the Charter School East Dulwich

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum we provide encourages students to explore a wide range of artistic practices and develop skills that include an understanding of contemporary and conceptual artists from a range of backgrounds.

New technologies and the changing world are incorporated into our curriculum to reflect the career paths students may pursue. At The Charter School East Dulwich we  teach our students that:

- the visual arts are intrinsically valuable
- that they embody diverse, individual, cultural and philosophical expression
- that they have the power to change the way in which we perceive things
- and they are the most direct way to vicariously transfer meaning and experience.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 (KS3)students will learn skills in a range of practical art techniques while developing their knowledge and understanding of visual language, conceptual art and the art world as a whole.

The KS3 art projects are designed for students to build self belief, access new technologies and make social and political comment while being introduced to the work of predominantly contemporary artists from a diverse range of backgrounds in terms of gender, race and nationality.

Students will be assessed on their knowledge, understanding and their skill development.

Key Stage 4

At Key Stage 4 (KS4)students have the option to study two pathways under the umbrella of Art and Design - Fine Art or Photography.

In fine art, students will further develop practical skills in painting, drawing, sculpture, installation and photography. Students who study photography will develop skills in digital photography, film making, animation, analogue photography and using the darkroom. Both courses involve the use of Adobe creative programmes.

Both courses start with teacher-led projects but as the courses advance students are encouraged to be come more independent as their understanding of visual language develops.

Key Stage 5

At A Level, the Fine Art and Photography A levels both start with a carousel of projects that develop students’ skills and confidence in using a range of more complex practical techniques.

In Fine Art students will refine skills in oil painting, experimental drawing, sculpture, installation, textiles and photography. In Photography, students will refine skills in digital photography, studio photography, reportage, film making, animation, analogue photography and experimental darkroom techniques.

Both involve a foundation phase and then a longer independent project known as a ‘persona linvestigation’ which is self directed and has a written element.