
A high quality mathematics education provides a basis for understanding the world.

A white logo for the Charter School East Dulwich

Curriculum Intent

Our vision is to develop students who are fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, have enthusiasm for learning and a desire to apply this to new contexts.

Students will gain in-depth knowledge which they can recall quickly and accurately. Through varied and frequent practice students will reason mathematically, solve problems and apply skills to diverse situations.  

Students will display their high aspirations, combining independent risk taking with collective curiosity.

Key Stage 3

Our KS3 curriculum will teach students a broad range of skills across a diversity of contexts.

Students will communicate and reason their ideas through mathematical language and actively engage in problem solving using a range of mathematical methods and techniques. Students will be taught to evaluate their understanding using mathematical rigour. Learning and assessment will focus on the six key strands of mathematics:

-      Number

-      Ratio and Proportion

-      Geometry and Measure

-      Algebra

-      Data and statistics

-      Probability

Students will be assessed cumulatively, once per term during the academic year. At the end of year 9, students will be assessed on all KS3 content. Students sit assessments that are appropriate to their KS3 target grade.

Key Stage 4

At Mathematics GCSE students will build on the learning and skills developed at KS3 within a more formalised exam context. Students will be equipped with the skills and knowledge they require for their desired post 16 destination. Learning and assessment will continue to focus on six key strands of mathematics.

GCSE mathematics is taught at two tiers of entry - Foundation (Grade 1-5) and Higher (Grade 3-9).The weighting for each of the 6 strands of content differs slightly at foundation and higher tier.

Key Stage 5

At Mathematics A level, students will deepen their understanding of the subject by building on their learning from GCSE. They will look at exciting and challenging mathematical content and will develop skills of reasoning and deduction. They will be taught to work methodically, to break down complex problems, and toapply mathematical rigour at all times.  

Students will learn content across 3 strands of mathematics:

-      Pure Maths

-      Statistics

-      Mechanics

Students also have the opportunity to study Further Maths at either A level or AS level when they will learn content from core pure, further statistics and further mechanics.