
Our Drama curriculum embeds skills, passion, and knowledge, to inspire the next generation.

A white logo for the Charter School East Dulwich

Curriculum Intent

We facilitate learning that creates independent learners, students who work well with others in a team and individuals who communicate and engage well in front of others.

The skills learnt in Drama play an important part in our everyday lives, how to communicate, how to present yourself and how to work together as a team. Students will also gain an appreciation of the cultural capital available and develop a love of theatre and performance arts.

Students have a wide variety of opportunities outside of lessons. This includes drama clubs, performances, watching theatre and working with visiting practitioners.

At The Charter School East Dulwich our Drama curriculum is diverse, covering a wide range of skills and styles. We explore the history of theatre through exploring Shakespeare and medieval theatre.

Key Stage 3

Our KS3 curriculum covers a diverse range of plays including I Love You Mum, I Promise I Won’t Die, Lord of the Flies, Macbeth and Blood Brothers.

We provide historical context to enable students to place plays securely in the broader world setting and build links with other subjects. We study topics and explore them through drama such as The Windrush Generation, Titanic and World War Two.

During KS3, pupils learn several disciplines, including the art and technique of improvisation, storytelling and narration, devising, scripted performance, Shakespeare and physical theatre. All of these give an excellent opportunity for students to develop critical skills needed to fulfil their potential at GCSE level whilst equipping them with transferable skills.

Assessment is through rehearsal and performance work. Students receive ongoing feedback in lessons and following performances.

Key Stage 4

Students who choose to study GCSE Drama will study a range of influential theatre companies like Stanislavski, Frantic Assembly and Kneehigh. They explore the working methods and apply the skills to various devising projects, including creating an original theatre piece to perform to a younger audience.

Students develop and refine their understanding of theatre through the lenses of an actor, director and designer. They also hone their analytical and evaluative language.

Students also study a set text. From September 2022 this will be Noughts and Crosses, initially written by Malorie Blackman and adapted by Dominic Cooke.

In Year 11 students will visit the theatre to evaluate a live theatre performance and complete a written exam on the set text. They will perform an original piece of theatre and work in smaller groups to perform a scripted piece.