If you are interested in understanding how people think, feel and behave then Psychology A Level is the course for you!
You will learn about different psychological approaches such as social, cognitive, developmental and biological psychology and you will explore these through exploring a range of topics. You will also study psychological research methods and analyse the results of experiments and data.
What will I learn?
- Introductory Topics in Psychology - Social influence, Memory,Attachment and Psychopathology
- Psychology in Context - Approaches in Psychology, Biopsychology, Research Methods, Issues and Debates in Psychology
- Issues and Options in Psychology - Relationships, Schizophrenia and Forensic Psychology.
Where could this subject take me?
This A Level is excellent preparation for a degree in Psychology, the sciences and social sciences.
Psychology can also lead to a huge range of careers including Occupational, Clinical, Educational and Forensic Psychology as well as Medicine, Counselling,Teaching and Broadcasting and Advertising.
Further informaton
The man who mistook his wife for a hat – Oliver Sacks
Prozac Nation – Elizabeth Wurtzel
One flew over the cuckoo’s nest – K. Kesey
Genie: a scientific tragedy – R. Rymer
Obedience to authority - Stanley Milgram