Two students sit at a laptop discussing their work during a lesson at The Charter School East Dulwich


Here are a few of the most popular questions we get asked.

You can also email the Sixth Form for more FAQs if your question isn’t answered below.

There is a Sixth Form Cafe and a large Sixth Form Study Space. Once Phase 2 of the building is completed this year (April 2025), the Sixth Form Study Space will be in a purpose built facility in the the new beautiful building and there will also be  a Sixth Form section in the School Library.

Students can wear their own clothes for Sixth Form which are appropriate for school. We have four elements to our dress code:

  • Tops and bottoms must meet in the middle, with no visible midriffs,
  • No visible underwear.
  • Hats or hoods up inside the school building are not allowed.
  • Students must wear their Sixth Form lanyard with ID card at all times.

Sixth Form students are allowed to use their phones within the Sixth Form facilities. They must not be visible at all on the rest of the school site, in order to comply with the whole school policy.

Sixth form students receive a timetable which includes subject lessons, tutor time and supervised study periods. They also have independent study periods.  In Y12, students stay on site in the morning. As time goes on, students earn the privilege to leave the site during independent periods, although we advise most students to stay on site to complete their work. Students must use their ID card to access and exit the school site. Some students may wish to go off site at lunchtime.

Once timetables are given to students there is limited availability during the first two weeks of term to change course.

On Enrolment Day, you’ll have the chance to discuss your results and your course choices with a member of the Sixth Form team. If they feel your grades indicate that you wouldn’t be able to study your preferred courses, they will try to offer you alternatives that will enable you to progress successfully, subject to availability within the class. We offer a wide range of qualifications including A levels and vocational courses and we will recommend a combination of subjects for your preferred career pathway.