


The WJEC Eduqas A level in Drama and Theatre is an exciting and inspiring course which prepares learners for further study in Higher Education. This highly practical specification provides learners with the opportunity to work as either performers and/or designers.

What will I learn?

  • Theatre Workshop (20%) - Learners participate in the creation of a reinterpretation of an extract from a text by WJEC. Learners must use selected techniques and produce a creative log.
  • Text in Action (40%) - Learners participate in the creation, development and performance of two pieces of theatre, based on a stimulus supplied by WJEC. One piece uses techniques, the other piece uses text. Learners also produce a process and evaluation report.
  • Text in Performance (40%) - Written Examination: 2 1/2 hours. Based on different texts, one written pre1956 and another written post-1956. Also, a question based on a specified extract from: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

Where could this subject take me?

Drama enhances students’ artistic and creative abilities. It fosters self discipline, confidence and team work and develops skills in interpreting, researching, negotiating, & decision making, useful in all careers. Each year, we expect a number of students to apply to either study drama at university, or apply directly to drama schools.

Further informaton

The National Theatre has a youtube channel which is highly recommended. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCUDq1XzCY0NIOYVJvEMQjqw

Of course you are encouraged to visit the theatre when it is possible.

Course information

Entry Requirements

Grade 4 in English Language and grade 5 in Literature. Grade 5 in Drama GCSE (or level 2 qualification) if taken.

  • 20% coursework
  • 80% examination