Design Technology



This A level requires students to engage in both practical and theoretical study. Students will investigate historical, social, cultural, environmental and economic influences on design and technology, while enjoying opportunities to put their learning into practice by producing products of their choice.

*This will be studied only at The Charter School North Dulwich site.  

What will I learn?

  • Core technical principles
  • Core designing and making principles
  • Additional specialist knowledge

Where could this subject take me?

This creative and thought-provoking qualification gives students the practical skills, theoretical knowledge and confidence to succeed in a number of careers, especially those in the creative industries.

Students will gain a real understanding of what it means to be a designer, alongside the knowledge and skills sought by higher education and employers.

Further informaton

Inclusive design

Netflix: “Tiny House Nation” and “Abstract design”

BBC iPlayer: “Flatpack Empire”

Course information

Entry Requirements
  • Grade 6 in DT or Level 2 Merit in Engineering. Grade 5 in GCSE Maths and English Literature
  • 50% examination – 2 papers of 2 hours each
  • 50% coursework – a single project with brief and context to be decided by the student after discussion with teachers