


Chemistry is the study of why reactions happen. Chemistry is fundamental to life, explaining phenomena from how we can power the modern world, to why we can see colour to how DNA and proteins interact. Throughout your studies you will learn the chemistry of topics ranging from the synthesis of aspirin to the interactions that have shaped life on Earth. You should consider Chemistry A level if you enjoy both conducting and explaining practical investigations and want to delve deeper into the “why” behind every chemical reaction.

What will I learn?

  • Breadth in chemistry - A detailed study into the basic principles – Atomic structure, chemical bonding and the Periodic Table.
  • Depth in chemistry - Organic chemistry, basic physical chemistry and environmental chemistry.
  • Development of practical skills in chemistry - Basic skills of planning, implementing, analysis and evaluation.
  • Periodic table, elements and physical chemistry - Further physical chemistry, taking a quantitative viewpoint and in-depth study of the Transition Elements on the Periodic Table.
  • Synthesis and analytical techniques - Taking organic chemistry further and studying modern analytical techniques.
  • Unified chemistry - Structured questions and extended response questions covering theory and practical skills.

Where could this subject take me?

If you love Chemistry A level you might want to study chemistry, chemical engineering, pharmacology, biochemistry, medicinal sciences. Many chemists also go into patent law. Chemistry A level is also an excellent grounding for any degree discipline. Chemistry A level is required for medicine, dentistry and veterinary science degrees.

Further informaton

Seven elements that have changed the world - John Browne

What if? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions - Randall Munroe.

Course information

Entry Requirements

Two grade 7s in Combined Science or Triple Science (must have 7 in Chemistry) & grade 6 in Maths.

  • 100% Examination