
The Charter School East Dulwich is a cashless school and parents pay for all school items, such as food accounts, music fees, trips and activities etc, through the secure transactional website ParentPay.

Everything you need to know about ParentPay & cashless catering

  • ParentPay is easy-to-use and will offer you the freedom to make online payments with your credit or debit card whenever and wherever you like.
  • The technology used is of the highest internet security available ensuring that your money will reach school safely – offering you peace of mind.
  • Full payment histories and statements are available to you securely online at anytime.
  • Your children won’t have to worry about losing money at school.
  • Parents can choose to be alerted when their balances are low via email and/or SMS text.
  • You have a secure online account which is activated using a unique activation username and password issued by the school.
  • When you first log-in you will be prompted to change these and to keep them safe and secure as your Username and Password for future logins.
  • If you have two or more children at a ParentPay school, you only need to activate one account to create your ‘main account’ and then add your other children via the Add a child tab on your home page.
  • Please visit and activate your account via the Account login area on the homepage of the site.
  • ParentPay holds an electronic record of your payments to view at a later date.
  • Once you have activated your account you can make online payments straight away.

If you already have a ParentPay account, either with our school or another ParentPay school, you can simply login to that account and add your other children via the “Add a child” tab on your home page. You will need your activation username and initial password, issued by the school, to do this.  

If you have any questions please contact the school office

At The Charter School East Dulwich we operate a cashless catering system.

What is a cashless catering system?

It is a system which recognises each individual student.  For each student it holds cash balances, records cash spent, cash received, records where money is spent, on what food, on any specific date and time of day.

  • No more looking for change every morning
  • Discourages the misuse of school lunch money through spending in shops outside of the school grounds
  • Alleviates many of the associated problems with the use of cash in schools. i.e. Loss, theft and bullying
  • Queuing times are reduced through increased speed of service
  • Automatic free meal allocation with the student remaining anonymous
  • Students having control of their spending, thus teaching them important life skills
  • A more efficient delivery of service helps the canteen to provide wholesome, healthy and enjoyable school meals at a lower cost
  • Ability to confirm money paid into the accounts.
  • Specific food allergy ingredients can be barred automatically
  • Healthy eating is encouraged.

All students and staff will be registered by biometric measurement and photograph. The biometric measurement takes a part image of some of the coordinates of the fingerprint. This information is then converted, encrypted and stores as a unique number. This data cannot be converted back into any image of a fingerprint, nor can it be used by any other source for identification purposes.

Certain data will be held on the system to enable accurate operation. This will include the student’s name, tutor group, photo, account balance, meal entitlement and the biometric number. Other than the biometric number, this data is already held on the School’s administrative system. All the data will be handled under the guidelines of the Data Protection Act. The data will only be utilised for the purposes of the cashless catering system and will be destroyed when the data is no longer relevant (such as when a student leaves the school).

A finger will be placed on a biometric scanner at a till. This will activate an individual’s account which will be displayed on screen for the catering operator, including name and current balance.

The operator will then enter the selected food and drink into the system from an itemised keyboard, while the amount spent and the new balance will show on the display.

Money will be entered onto the system using the ParentPay secure online payment facility.

Yes. In fact, it’s as safe to pay online with Parentpay as it is to use a credit card in a shop or over the phone. Parentpay uses leading technology to process your credit/debit card transactions securely. All communication with the bank is encrypted (jumbled so no one else can read it). No credit/debit card details are stored in any part of the system.

Parentpay uses very limited amount of information about you and your child solely for the purpose of administering your account, information is not shared or given to any other organisations. Parentpay and the school operate under strict guidelines set out by the Data Protection Act 1998, which ensures the protection and care of personal information.

The ParentPay internet service should be reliable and available anytime. However, if parents experience any problems they should contact the school for advice.

The school has reval machine dotted around the school for change top-ups.

No, all payments will remain on the account until debited for purchases made.

With ParentPay (online), if the top ups are carried out by 9am the students account will be credited in time for break and if top ups are carried out by 10.30am the students accounts will be credited in time for the lunchtime session.

All parents will be issued with usernames and passwords and will be able to access ParentPay at any time, or use any other payment method mentioned above in order to credit their child’s account. Therefore, students who bring sandwiches to school will also be able to make purchases using their card. Itis advisable that, even if a student brings sandwiches, there is a small amount on their account.