How we lead at Charter East

How we lead at Charter East

Senior Student Leaders
In year 12 we have a range of Senior Student Leaders who engage in academic mentoring including peer reading and support for students in language lessons as well as our STEM masterclass students who have provided workshops for primary school children. Some of our Senior Student Leaders took part in the Envision project and set up a mentoring project for year 9 students around choosing their GCSE options. This year’s Envision group won a national competition for the implementation of their project.

Charter Champions
This year we launched our Charter Champions in year 9 who promote tolerance and respect for all protected characteristics. Some of these students took part in the Girls Human Rights Festival and have set up a Girls Human Rights Mini Hub. The Charter Champions also took part in our Schools United Against Racism with visitors from Germany and completed a project on the impact of slavery in the local area.

Student Ambassadors
In years 7 and 8 students can become Student Ambassadors who represent the school at school events and when hosting guests in the school. They receive training from the Anne Frank Trust and run mini projects on anti-discrimination.

School Council
The school council represents our student community and meets regularly to ensure the voice of the student population is heard. They work alongside Senior Leadership and the catering team to make change within the school. The School Council has a key role in the appointment of senior positions at the school, taking part in interview panels. They also lead on projects supporting the local community such the Christmas boxes appeal and the highly popular Summer Fayre