Pupil premium

Pupil Premium explained

Schools receive additional income called the Pupil Premium. This money is allocated by the Government to help schools support disadvantaged children from low income families and children in care.

The amount of additional funding schools receive is based on:

  • the number of students who are entitled to receive free school meals (FSM)
  • the number of students who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’)
  • and the number of looked after children (CLA).


This year, The Charter School East Dulwich is eligible to receive Pupil Premium for 29% of  pupils. Pupil premium is paid at the rate of £955 per eligible pupil. In the academic year ending 31 August 2024 the school received £295,000 in pupil premium funding.


Our pupil premium funding is used for specific initiatives to support the most disadvantaged pupils. We also use Pupil Premium funding to support cultural enrichment initiatives and co-curricular activities such as school trips and clubs