Exterior photo of the main building at The Charter School East Dulwich

Our Mission, Vision & Values

At Charter East, our mission is to celebrate our diverse community, educating our students to thrive and confidently shape their futures with a love of learning,excellent qualifications and strength of character.

We are Curious

We love to learn and are curious to understand more.

We embrace creativity in our skills and talents.

We learn beyond the classroom, enriching our opportunities.

We see challenges as a chance to learn and grow together.

We are Curious

We love to learn and are curious to understand more.

We embrace creativity in our skills and talents.

We learn beyond the classroom, enriching our opportunities.

We see challenges as a chance to learn and grow together.

We work hard

We know the value of qualifications for our futures and prioritise our studies.

We pride ourselves in our effort, giving 100% in all we do.

We are resilient and persevere when things seem hard.

We actively work at our relationship so that we develop together.

We work hard

We know the value of qualifications for our futures and prioritise our studies.

We pride ourselves in our effort, giving 100% in all we do.

We are resilient and persevere when things seem hard.

We actively work at our relationship so that we develop together.

We Care

We embrace and learn from others’ views, celebrating diversity.

We treat each other with kindness so that everyone is, and feels, valued.

We lead by example, showing care for each other and our environment, through words and actions

We prioritise wellbeing, so that we can thrive together.

We Care

We embrace and learn from others’ views, celebrating diversity.

We treat each other with kindness so that everyone is, and feels, valued.

We lead by example, showing care for each other and our environment, through words and actions

We prioritise wellbeing, so that we can thrive together.

We act with Integrity

We trust each other and do the right thing, even when no one is watching

We continually reflect and improve, individually and together.

We act with Integrity

We trust each other and do the right thing, even when no one is watching

We continually reflect and improve, individually and together.

Explore our school

A teenage boy holds up a drawing he has completed.  The drawing is of a trainer and the teenager looks very proud of themselves

"Pupils are proud of their community and create a positive and welcoming environment."