East Dulwich


East Dulwich


4 secondary students laughing in the playground

East Dulwich Journey

The East Dulwich Journey offers students the chance to discover themselves, engage with the community, and develop leadership skills. This year-long journey helps students build strong connections, develop their potential, and prepare to thrive as confident future leaders.


Year 7

Highlights from Year 7 include:

Bewl Water / Clubs Fair / Joining a club / Running for student council / Becoming a Student Ambassador / Brilliant Club / Black History Month Trip / Deep Learning Day 1 / Christmas Boxes / Winter Concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / First Careers Fair / Achievement evening / Trust-wide Music Concert / Deep Learning Day 2 / Cologne Exchange / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Culture Day / End of Year Assessment / Pride / Sports Day / Sports Awards / Summer Rewards Trip / Summer Celebration Assembly / Summer Fair


Year 8

Highlights from Year 8 include:

Clubs Fair / Joining a club / Running for student council / Becoming a Student Ambassador / Black History Month Trip / Deep Learning Day 1 / Christmas Boxes / Winter concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / Careers Fair / Assessment 1 / Trust-wide Music Concert / Theatre trip / Achievement evening / Deep Learning Day 2 / Cologne Exchange / Mock Election / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Culture Day / End of Year Assessment / Pride / Sports Day / Sports Awards / Summer Rewards Trip / Summer Celebration Assembly / Summer Fair

Year 9

Highlights from Year 9 include:

Clubs Fair / Joining a club / Joining the student council / Netball Team PGL / D of E Bronze / Black History Month Trip / Assessment 1 / Deep Learning Day 1 / First Aid / Christmas Boxes / Winter concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / Becoming a Student Ambassador / Careers Fair / Achievement evening / 1-to-1 Options support / Choosing GCSE Options / Trust-wide Music Concert / Cologne Exchange / Deep Learning Day 2 / National Careers Challenge / School Production / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Culture Day / End of Year Assessment / Borough Market Challenge / Pride / Sports Day / Sports Awards / Summer Rewards Trip / Summer Celebration Assembly / Summer Fair


Year 10

Highlights from Year 10 include:

Start GCSEs / Leading a club / Joining the student council / SSLP Student voice Neurodiversity Art Project / Black History Month Trip / Jack Petchey / JP Morgan Diversity Trip / Old Vic project / Bright Sparks Music Trip / Achievement Evening / CV Writing workshops / Deep Learning Day 1 / Christmas Boxes / Winter concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / Future Frontiers / Mock Exams / Careers Fair / Trust-wide Music Concert / Deep Learning Day 2 / Cologne Exchange / School Production / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Culture Day / Becoming a Student Leader / Work Experience / Mock Exams / Pride / Berlin History Trip / Sports Awards / Summer Rewards Trip / Summer Celebration Assembly / Summer Fair


Year 11

Highlights from Year 11 include:

Leading a club / Joining the student council / Being a Student Leader / SSLP Apprenticeship Fair / Black History Month Trip / Oxbridge Trip / JP Morgan Diversity Trip / Macbeth Globe Trip / Seaford Geography Trip / Future Frontiers Mentoring / Mock exams / Deep Learning Day 1 / Post-16 Providers Fair / Roots and Shoots Placements / Christmas Boxes / D of E Celebration Evening / Winter concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / Achievement Evening / 1-to-1 careers guidance / Make Post-16 choice / Careers Fair / Trust-wide Music Concert / Cologne Exchange / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Culture Day / London Human Field Trip / Mock Exams / GCSEs / Pride / Prom / Celebration Evening


Year 12

Highlights from Year 12 include:

Start A Levels / Leading a club / Joining the student council / SSLP Apprenticeship Fair / JP Morgan Diversity Trip [1] / Becoming a Peer Mediator / Edit the Charter Times / Envision Mentoring Programme / BFI Language workshops / UKMT Maths Challenge / Leading STEM Masterclasses / Deep Learning Day 1 / Winter concert / Winter Celebration Assembly / Winter Rewards Trip / Mark Everton Programme / Become a Student Leader / UCAS Fair / Careers Fair / Trust-wide Music Concert / Deep Learning Day 2 / Cologne Exchange / Achievement Evening / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Leading Culture Day / Silver D of E / Gold D of E / Pride / Destinations Week / Work Experience



Year 13

Highlights from Year 13 include:

Biology Field Trip / Leading a club / Joining the Student Council / Being a Student Leader / Apprenticeship Fair / BFI Language workshops / UKMT Maths Challenge / Deep Learning Day 1 / WInter Concert / Careers Fair / Achievement Evening / Spring Rewards Trip / Spring Celebration Assembly / Trust-wide Music Concert / Lead Culture Day / Pride / A Levels / Prom / Leavers Assembly

Future destination:
Career / Apprenticeship / Higher Education